Chapters 191-200

Trolls, Death and Friendship

‘I believe I can ‘elp you,’ Genevieve said. ‘I worked in wand control for ze French government for two years after my apprenticeship. I assisted the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Magique when zey developed a new wand scanner to ascertain zee ownership of wands. Voldemort and ‘is Death Eaters caused security concerns far beyond Great Britain.’

‘She is being overly modest,’ Ollivander said gruffly. ‘The scanner is her invention. Though if a wizard manages to loses his wand, I dare say he doesn’t deserve to be recognised as its owner.’

‘My uncle doesn’t like modern machinery,’ Genevieve commented.

‘Or the French government,’ Ollivander muttered under his breath.

‘Just a moment,’ the young witch said. ‘I’ll go and get ze scanner. We’ve been using it to find zee owners of ze wands in ze collection of lost wands in ze Department of Mysteries. So far we ‘ave matched every single one of zem.’

When she returned, Genevieve carried a sleek metallic apparatus that reminded Hermione of security devices she’d encountered at airports when she travelled with her parents during long ago holidays. The Elder Wand was placed inside the scanner. Then Genevieve propped up a flat rectangle that looked very much like the display of a laptop and inserted her own wand into a few small indentations at the bottom of the screen.

A final flourish with her wand, a murmured‘Dominum Revelio’, and the silvery screen flared to life, presenting an extremely clear picture.

‘I’ll be damned!’ Harry exclaimed.

Hermione just goggled at the sheepish smile of Percy Weasley.


Hermione didn’t return to Hogwarts right away. Instead she went back to Grimmauld Place with Harry.

Kreacher served tea (and scones, and cucumber sandwiches, and assorted tea-cakes, and fresh fruit, and a platter of cheese; and if Harry had allowed it, he’d probably have roasted a whole ox on a spit for them).

They sat in the library and stared in thoughtful silence at the box with the Elder Wand that sat between their plates and tea-cups on the coffee table.

‘Do you have any idea how Percy defeated Umbridge?’ Hermione asked.

Harry shrugged. ‘I guess it must have been that chess competition at the Ministry. Percy was playing against Umbridge to give Draco the time to snoop around in her office. Draco didn’t find anything, so I don’t see why the wand would judge this as a defeat in a matter of life and death. You know, wandlore is not only ‘very complex and mysterious’, it’s also bloody annoying.’

Hermione inhaled tea. After coughing until tears were streaming down her cheeks, she limply collapsed against the cushions on the sofa. She dashed at her eyes.

‘More than annoying,’ she agreed. ‘A veritable pain in the arse! First the Sempiternal Solution, now that.’ She shook her head. ‘Harry, what are we supposed to do now? As soon as we tell Severus about this, he’ll want to go and challenge poor Percy to a duel.’

Harry nodded. ‘Yeah, I know.’

He proceeded to heap his plate high with scones and cake, then hid behind the food and his tea-cup.

‘At least we won’t make the same mistake as Dumbledore,’ he finally mumbled. ‘We won’t try to stage this…this take-over with Percy’s consent.’

‘I don’t want Severus to become the Owner of the Elder Wand,’ Hermione blurted. ‘He—’

She stopped, uncertain how she could explain the matter to Harry without breaking Severus’ confidence. Harry put down the piece of cake he was nibbling on and turned to face Hermione.

‘Don’t worry, Hermione. I won’t let that happen. No matter if breaking the curse sends Dumbledore’s soul straight to paradise, sets him to dancing the can-can in Salazar Slytherin’s portrait or…reduces him to Muggle atoms—it won’t be Severus who’ll do it. He’s got enough on his plate.’ Harry grimaced and shoved his plate with the half-eaten cake away.

‘Oh goodness.’ Hermione exhaled shakily. She hadn’t expected Harry to understand so easily. She had to blink her eyes rapidly, as a profound surge of relief brought tears to her eyes. Impatiently she dashed at her cheeks. ‘I don’t know why I’m being such a cry-baby.’

‘Come here.’ Harry reached over and drew her into his arms. ‘It’s okay, ‘mione. It’s okay to be worried and scared. I know that I am. But we’ve made it once, and we’ll make it again. Between you and me, we’ll keep him safe. And the whole bloody wizarding world.’

Awkwardly he patted her shoulder. ‘Hey, don’t cry. It’s nothing new for us, after all. Just same old, same old. Business as usual, really.’

In spite of herself, Hermione had to laugh. They broke apart.

‘You really do have a ‘saving people’ thing, don’t you?’

Harry sighed. ‘I admit that I prefer saving my friends to losing them.’

‘Friends, Harry?’

He grinned abashedly. ‘I don’t think it’s quite the same as it was with us, you know—how you can’t go knocking about mountain-trolls without ending up liking each other. But…well, marching hand in hand into Death and back…that does something to you.’ He grimaced. ‘However, I think it would be much healthier for me if you were to keep real quiet about that.’

Hermione smiled. ‘I won’t breathe a word. He’s really not the type for big public…or even big private declarations of love.’

‘Doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you,’ Harry said. ‘Blokes are a bit stupid about such stuff sometimes, you know?’

Her smile grew even broader. Harry Potter was trying to reassure her that Severus Snape really loved her? What was the world coming to?

‘So what do we do now?’ she asked.

‘Well,’ Harry said with a wicked smirk. ‘I think I’ll spend the evening at the Burrow and challenge the Weasleys to a rousing game of Quidditch. And I think I just might suggest to the others that they afford Percy the high honour of playing Seeker for the other team.’

25 Responses to Chapters 191-200

  1. mw says:

    Precioussss (LOL you spelt it right…I just couldn’t resist)

    Very interesting stuff about Hogwarts the castle…it does seem almost sentient even in the books – what with all those moving staircases etc.

    I like the idea that it knew who defended it – and mourned those who died as far as it could.

    You’re making me all sentimental…

  2. mw says:

    Magical Forensics

    Question – so I’m a bit confused about when Kingsley died. Weeks ago, right? and then they raised his body to act as him for those intervening weeks until someone figured it out? I assume they had some purpose for him in that time.

    *iz confused*

  3. mw says:

    Umbridge Unravelled

    You don’t know it yet – but I cottoned on to the fact that Umbridge was not the main perpetrator a while back. *glares in the direction of the Inquisition*


    *i iz shaking in my bootses*

  4. Fluffette says:

    No one expects the Monks of the Inquisition!!

  5. zauza says:


    “He even permitted her to smooth back his hair, to gently stroke his cheek.” *sigh*

    I never thought about it, but Hogwarts is indeed an accumulation of magical energy. I say so many times that the Castle has a soul…but it’s not really a soul. So much magical energy just gave it a magic of it’s own. Right?

  6. zauza says:

    Magical Forensics

    “If I were a Muggle, Hermione thought” i love this. She is finally so distant from her Muggle origins!

    So , she probably killed Shacklebolt when he went to her office (silly Auror,in fact so many are being so silly), but how did she do it?

    • JunoMagic says:

      There is a scene in which Umbridge and Shacklebolt are alone. The scene ends with Umbridge touching her wand. That was right before she cast the Avada Kedavra or something like that…

  7. zauza says:

    Umbridge Unravelled?

    I’ve been thinking for sometime about Necromancers. Severus told Hermione on a previous chapter that there were no Necromancers among the Death Eaters, but how could he know? Madame Dubois recognized him as one, but he didn’t recognized her.

    And wasn’t Severus the rightful Owner of the Elder Wand? This always left me confused.

    Is it possible that the Guys in Black have Necromancers or something similar?Isn’t that what Severus is thinking? Hmmm

  8. zauza says:

    Absurd Suspicions


    I can’t stop thinking that if anyone else made that suggestion , Andromeda would at least consider it!

    And why can’t they just understand that ,if the wizarding world STILL believes in and practices old rites , why shouldn’t the Muggles do the same.

    The guys in black use Necromancers has exorcists, so they must be wizards who probably don’t even know they are or something like that.( 😀 )

    But the Inquisition left records of their activity in the past.Someone with power and knowledge engaged Umbridge to do this, the stupid, ambitious frog!

  9. zauza says:


    Of course.

    And the owner is probably whoever defeated Umbridge. And this also means, that it was not necessarily, the one who killed her!

  10. zauza says:

    Trolls, Death and Friendship

    This was just lovely! Harry is growing up a bit! I guess “marching hand in hand into Death and back” does indeed change you!

    And what a smart idea a game of Quidditch. Almost too Slytherin !

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