Chapters 191-200


‘Thanks for coming along, Harry,’ Hermione said, when they were walking down Diagon Alley two days later. ‘Severus is in a really foul mood.’

Harry snorted. ‘Can’t say I blame him, after being ripped apart by Andromeda…Who would have thought that a home-maker and wife of a Muggle would turn out to be such a formidable witch?’

Hermione frowned at her friend. ‘Why wouldn’t she? And I’d be really careful with such comments around Molly, if I were you.’

‘Oh, come off it, Hermione. I didn’t mean anything negative with that remark, and you know that, too. It’s just…she’s not the Andromeda Tonks I first met three years ago.’

Hermione sighed. He had a point there. They all had changed. First because of the war, and then—well, probably the way everyone changed in the course of life.

‘All of us have changed,’ she admitted conciliatorily. ‘And she is Sirius’ cousin.’

‘Exactly.’ Harry grinned at her sideways. ‘The Blacks are not exactly known for their mild manners and reticent rhethorics.’

‘Which reminds me,’ Hermione said. ‘Whatever happened to old Mother Black? I can’t say I missed her screeching diatribe yesterday, but I couldn’t fail to notice its rather conspicuous absence.’

Now Harry’s expression turned positively smug. ‘George, it turns out, is not only a dab hand at sticky Charms, he’s also very good at unsticking things that got stuck somewhere somehow. Also, I figured she’d be happier with family. I gave her to Draco for Christmas.’

‘You did what?’ Hermione stopped in her tracks and gaped at Harry.

‘I got George to remove the frame from my wall, and then I gave her to Draco.—She’s actually almost friendly with him.’

Hermione shook her head. ‘I don’t know if I’m supposed to despair of you or applaud you.’

Harry gave her an elegant little bow. ‘Applause is always appreciated. Right. Here we are.’


Inside the shop, Hermione noticed with some amusement the awe in Harry’s expression, as he turned around in the bright and clean interior of the refurbished shop.

‘Hello ‘ermione,’ a bright young voice greeted them. ‘And Mr. Potter! It’s an honour to meet you.’

‘Hi, Genevieve. Harry, this is Genevieve Ollivander, Mr. Ollivander’s grandniece.’

Genevieve beamed at Harry, clearly delighted to make his acquaintance. ‘What can I do for you today? More research?’

Hermione nodded. ‘Yes, as a matter of fact. Is Mr. Ollivander in? We have some questions for him.’

The wizard in question appeared from the narrow hallway at the end of the room so suddenly as if he’d thrown off an Invisibility Cloak. ‘I am here. Madam Snape. Mr. Potter.’

‘Good to see you again, Ollivander,’ Harry started in briskly. ‘We’re here to make some inquiries on behalf of Headmistress McGonagall.’ He glanced meaningfully in Genevieve’s direction, implying that they were here on secret Order business.

‘I think Genevieve should stay, Harry,’ Hermione suggested. ‘She’s a gifted wandmaker. Maybe she can help.’

‘Right,’ Harry agreed. ‘Ollivander, I’m sure you remember this.’ He reached into his robe and unceremoniously dumped a long, rectangular box on the counter.

The old wandmaker reached for the lid of the box and opened it.

‘Ah.’ He shuddered, his great silver eyes darkening to a stormy grey. ‘The Deathstick. I was wondering if I would see it again. There have been rumours, you know, since Kingsley Shacklebolt died.’

‘There are always rumours,’ Harry muttered disgustedly. ‘Apparently the Elder Wand was stolen when Dumbledore’s tomb was destroyed. I assume you’ve heard about that, too?’

Ollivander only nodded.

‘Somehow the wand ended up in the hands of Dolores Umbridge. I assume you’re aware that she’s dead, too?’

Again, the wandmaker nodded wordlessly.

‘We suspect that I lost ownership of the wand somewhere along the way. The legends claim that the Elder Wand only responds to power, that its ownership can be transferred properly only in a duel, when another wizard proves to the wand that he’s more powerful than its previous master. But I don’t think that can be quite correct. Draco Malfoy was never more powerful than Dumbledore. And I didn’t really disarm Draco, I just snatched the wands away from him. I have no clue how exactly the ownership of that damn wand gets transferred, but I seriously doubt that it’s as formal and dramatic as those legends make it.’ Harry scowled at the wand, intense dislike clearly visible on his face. ‘Anyway. We need to know who’s the current owner of the Elder Wand. And it’s really urgent.’

‘I see that you are still pursuing deep questions, Mr. Potter. As I have told you before, wandlore is an incredibly complex and very mysterious area of magic,’ Ollivander said in his thin, susurrant voice. ‘But I think you must be right. My best assumption is that Elder Wand reacts to power, to danger of death, and to defeat; in the magical, mundane or even metaphorical sense of the term.—Have you been defeated by anyone during recent months? In a matter of life and death?’

Harry just groaned. ‘I’m an Auror, Mr. Ollivander. Defeat and danger of death are pretty much a matter of routine in that job!’

Hermione stared at the sinister length of the Elder Wand. She felt defeated, and not for the first time in recent months. Since becoming Severus’ apprentice and his wife, her life had been a roller-coaster of surprising victories and awful defeats…Defeats. Oh no!

‘Harry,’ she croaked. ‘You lost to Umbridge in court. When you defended Severus.’

Harry put his elbows on the counter and covered his face with his hands. After a long moment of silence he raised his head and faced Ollivander. ‘Would that count as defeat for the Elder Wand?’

‘Possibly, quite possibly,’ the old wandmaker replied.

Harry sighed deeply. ‘Right. Well, I definitely counted that as a defeat. I can’t really blame the wand if it did, too. But that still doesn’t tell us who the current Owner of the damn thing is.’

25 Responses to Chapters 191-200

  1. mw says:

    Precioussss (LOL you spelt it right…I just couldn’t resist)

    Very interesting stuff about Hogwarts the castle…it does seem almost sentient even in the books – what with all those moving staircases etc.

    I like the idea that it knew who defended it – and mourned those who died as far as it could.

    You’re making me all sentimental…

  2. mw says:

    Magical Forensics

    Question – so I’m a bit confused about when Kingsley died. Weeks ago, right? and then they raised his body to act as him for those intervening weeks until someone figured it out? I assume they had some purpose for him in that time.

    *iz confused*

  3. mw says:

    Umbridge Unravelled

    You don’t know it yet – but I cottoned on to the fact that Umbridge was not the main perpetrator a while back. *glares in the direction of the Inquisition*


    *i iz shaking in my bootses*

  4. Fluffette says:

    No one expects the Monks of the Inquisition!!

  5. zauza says:


    “He even permitted her to smooth back his hair, to gently stroke his cheek.” *sigh*

    I never thought about it, but Hogwarts is indeed an accumulation of magical energy. I say so many times that the Castle has a soul…but it’s not really a soul. So much magical energy just gave it a magic of it’s own. Right?

  6. zauza says:

    Magical Forensics

    “If I were a Muggle, Hermione thought” i love this. She is finally so distant from her Muggle origins!

    So , she probably killed Shacklebolt when he went to her office (silly Auror,in fact so many are being so silly), but how did she do it?

    • JunoMagic says:

      There is a scene in which Umbridge and Shacklebolt are alone. The scene ends with Umbridge touching her wand. That was right before she cast the Avada Kedavra or something like that…

  7. zauza says:

    Umbridge Unravelled?

    I’ve been thinking for sometime about Necromancers. Severus told Hermione on a previous chapter that there were no Necromancers among the Death Eaters, but how could he know? Madame Dubois recognized him as one, but he didn’t recognized her.

    And wasn’t Severus the rightful Owner of the Elder Wand? This always left me confused.

    Is it possible that the Guys in Black have Necromancers or something similar?Isn’t that what Severus is thinking? Hmmm

  8. zauza says:

    Absurd Suspicions


    I can’t stop thinking that if anyone else made that suggestion , Andromeda would at least consider it!

    And why can’t they just understand that ,if the wizarding world STILL believes in and practices old rites , why shouldn’t the Muggles do the same.

    The guys in black use Necromancers has exorcists, so they must be wizards who probably don’t even know they are or something like that.( 😀 )

    But the Inquisition left records of their activity in the past.Someone with power and knowledge engaged Umbridge to do this, the stupid, ambitious frog!

  9. zauza says:


    Of course.

    And the owner is probably whoever defeated Umbridge. And this also means, that it was not necessarily, the one who killed her!

  10. zauza says:

    Trolls, Death and Friendship

    This was just lovely! Harry is growing up a bit! I guess “marching hand in hand into Death and back” does indeed change you!

    And what a smart idea a game of Quidditch. Almost too Slytherin !

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