Chapters 191-200

Absurd Suspicions

‘That’s absurd.’ Andromeda’s voice cut through the stunned silence. ‘I cannot remember the last time I’ve heard such nonsense. You honestly expect me to take the warning of an Inferius whose capacity of speech was created by a botched jarvey-musk potion seriously? Because some members of Muggle churches wear robes, you expect us to believe that the Necromancers we’re dealing with may live as Muggles? And not only as Muggles, but as monks? Monks of the Inquisition, possibly risen from the Dead to kill all Muggle-born witches and wizards? That’s—’

‘It’s not absurd at all,’ Hermione snapped. ‘Remember that Order meeting back in November? It was you who said that Umbridge was neither smart nor powerful enough to raise an Inferius on her own! And since you’re acting Minister of Magic now, surely you are aware of the existence and significance of certain historical treaties?’

She ignored Severus’ warning glare and pressed on, ‘And Draco mentioned several times that Umbridge was in contact with representatives of the Catholic church. I’m sure that Shacklebolt thought it very funny when he put her of all people in charge of that project. Umbridge responsible for a good-will project involving Muggles? What a wonderful joke! But he’s not laughing now, is he? He’s dead!’

‘But, Hermione,’ Lois said calmly, ‘aren’t you forgetting something? The Inquisition doesn’t exist anymore. The Church has stopped burning witches at the stake hundreds of years ago.’

‘Yeah,’ Ron agreed readily. ‘Remember that story Professor Binns used to tell? It’s about the only thing I remember from history of magic.’ He grinned at Lois. ‘A story about a weird wizard who was so hooked on Flame Freezing Charms that he allowed them to burn him a hundred times just for the kick of it.’

Lois shook her head and rolled her eyes, but she did smile at her lover.

‘Witches were not burned in England, Ronald. They were hanged,’ Hermione retorted heatedly. ‘And while it’s certainly true that the Church stopped persecuting witches long ago, the organisation that used to be the Holy Inquisition still exists. It just has another name nowadays. I told you about it, too. When Draco was all out of sorts because of that Muggle at the ministry…’ She stopped suddenly and turned to Draco, remembering something. ‘That Muggle, Draco—you said he asked you something about the resurrection of the body—’

Draco made a face. ‘Yes. If I believe in the ‘resurrection of the body’ and the ‘conjuring of bones’. And you told me that the resurrection of the body is just part of Muggle faith.’

‘Oh no,’ Hermione whispered. ‘I was wrong. I didn’t listen, and I was wrong. He was asking you about Necromancy, Draco. It was not about the creed at all. In the Bible, Necromancers are sometimes referred to as ‘bone-conjurers’.’She frowned. ‘But that doesn’t make any sense! It sounds as if he was trying to warn you. Why would he do that if they were working with Umbridge?’

‘As I was saying before, Severus’ suspicions don’t make sense. And at the moment I am not willing to jeopardize good magical-Muggle relations for the sake of an old spy’s paranoia,’ Andromeda commented acerbically. ‘We certainly have more pressing problems just now.’

‘Andromeda, that’s enough,’ Minerva interrupted. ‘Now, if you please—we need to discuss our strategy. We have to follow any lead to discover who may have collaborated with Umbridge—or the other way around. And that includes Muggle suspects. But our absolute priority must be to break the leeching curse and to destroy the Resurrection Stone. Hermione, since you already worked with Ollivander during the research for the Sempiternal Solution, I want you to contact him tomorrow. We need to find the current Owner of the Elder Wand. Draco—I want you in charge of another search of Umbridge’s office. You are right: you worked with her for the last two years. You may find something that even the Unspeakables missed. At least it doesn’t cost us anything to have you try. If that’s all right with you, Andromeda?
‘Severus, as I understand it, you will need to brew another batch of that Sempiternal Solution…’


Later Harry, Ginny, Severus and Hermione sat in the library of Grimmauld Place, each of them nursing a dram of single malt whisky from a nice bottle of Talisker considerately provided by Minerva McGonagall.

‘You did well today, Harry,’ Severus said abruptly. ‘That was not an easy meeting to be in charge of.’

Harry shuddered. His gaze flicked the reports from the Ministry and St. Mungo’s on his desk in the corner. ‘You can say that again,’ he muttered. Absentmindedly he turned his glass in his hands. Hermione, he noticed, was still slumped dejectedly in the corner of the sofa, deep in thought. Her glass sat forgotten on the coffee table.

‘Do you really believe that Necromancers who are working for a Muggle church in some way could be involved in this mess?’

When the other man’s lips thinned with annoyance, he went on quickly, ‘Look—I don’t think you’re paranoid. At least not anymore paranoid than I am. Or Moody was. But while the Church definitely has a giant track-record of killing—or at least trying to kill—witches and wizards, that incident Draco described really sounds more like a warning. And why in Merlin’s name would they try to kill us first, only to warn us about Umbridge’s Inferi later?’

Severus sighed and took a deep swallow of whisky. ‘Damned if I know. But I cannot forget Colin’s warning.’

Harry nodded. ‘‘Watch the robes, not the wizards.’ That description certainly fits Muggle monks.’

‘And the Church has always employed Necromancers,’ Severus added. ‘Or what exactly did you think that exorcists are?’

Harry stared at Severus. ‘I don’t think I ever thought about that. Though that still doesn’t explain the warning. And we can’t exactly Owl them and ask them, huh? I guess we’ll just have to be extra careful.’

25 Responses to Chapters 191-200

  1. mw says:

    Precioussss (LOL you spelt it right…I just couldn’t resist)

    Very interesting stuff about Hogwarts the castle…it does seem almost sentient even in the books – what with all those moving staircases etc.

    I like the idea that it knew who defended it – and mourned those who died as far as it could.

    You’re making me all sentimental…

  2. mw says:

    Magical Forensics

    Question – so I’m a bit confused about when Kingsley died. Weeks ago, right? and then they raised his body to act as him for those intervening weeks until someone figured it out? I assume they had some purpose for him in that time.

    *iz confused*

  3. mw says:

    Umbridge Unravelled

    You don’t know it yet – but I cottoned on to the fact that Umbridge was not the main perpetrator a while back. *glares in the direction of the Inquisition*


    *i iz shaking in my bootses*

  4. Fluffette says:

    No one expects the Monks of the Inquisition!!

  5. zauza says:


    “He even permitted her to smooth back his hair, to gently stroke his cheek.” *sigh*

    I never thought about it, but Hogwarts is indeed an accumulation of magical energy. I say so many times that the Castle has a soul…but it’s not really a soul. So much magical energy just gave it a magic of it’s own. Right?

  6. zauza says:

    Magical Forensics

    “If I were a Muggle, Hermione thought” i love this. She is finally so distant from her Muggle origins!

    So , she probably killed Shacklebolt when he went to her office (silly Auror,in fact so many are being so silly), but how did she do it?

    • JunoMagic says:

      There is a scene in which Umbridge and Shacklebolt are alone. The scene ends with Umbridge touching her wand. That was right before she cast the Avada Kedavra or something like that…

  7. zauza says:

    Umbridge Unravelled?

    I’ve been thinking for sometime about Necromancers. Severus told Hermione on a previous chapter that there were no Necromancers among the Death Eaters, but how could he know? Madame Dubois recognized him as one, but he didn’t recognized her.

    And wasn’t Severus the rightful Owner of the Elder Wand? This always left me confused.

    Is it possible that the Guys in Black have Necromancers or something similar?Isn’t that what Severus is thinking? Hmmm

  8. zauza says:

    Absurd Suspicions


    I can’t stop thinking that if anyone else made that suggestion , Andromeda would at least consider it!

    And why can’t they just understand that ,if the wizarding world STILL believes in and practices old rites , why shouldn’t the Muggles do the same.

    The guys in black use Necromancers has exorcists, so they must be wizards who probably don’t even know they are or something like that.( 😀 )

    But the Inquisition left records of their activity in the past.Someone with power and knowledge engaged Umbridge to do this, the stupid, ambitious frog!

  9. zauza says:


    Of course.

    And the owner is probably whoever defeated Umbridge. And this also means, that it was not necessarily, the one who killed her!

  10. zauza says:

    Trolls, Death and Friendship

    This was just lovely! Harry is growing up a bit! I guess “marching hand in hand into Death and back” does indeed change you!

    And what a smart idea a game of Quidditch. Almost too Slytherin !

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