Chapters 91–100
A Bath
The treatement of greasy hair is based on information presented at Gaia’s Garden and on an Ayurvedan shampoo recipe.
Teardrops on Roses, Whiskers on Kittens
The title of this chapter is naturally a textual allusion to the musical “The Sound of Music”.
Rarely Pure and Never Simple
The chapter title refers to a quote again: “The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.” – Oscar Wilde
Go on—
What Severus told Hermione in Chartres was a quote from Orson Welles, from the movie “F for Fake”:
“Ours, the scientists keep telling us, is a universe which is disposable. You know it might be just this one anonymous glory of all things, this rich stone forest, this epic chant, this gaiety, this grand choiring shout of affirmation, which we choose when all our cities are dust; to stand intact, to mark where we have been, to testify to what we had it in us to accomplish. Our works in stone, in paint, in print are spared, some of them for a few decades, or a millennium or two, but everything must fall in war or wear away into the ultimate and universal ash: the triumphs and the frauds, the treasures and the fakes. A fact of life… we’re going to die. ‘Be of good heart,’ cry the dead artists out of the living past. Our songs will all be silenced – but what of it? Go on singing. Maybe a man’s name doesn’t matter all that much.”
The Mists of Dreams
Why was Snape taken to Azkaban: Probation is a conditional early release from your sentence. If you violate the condition, your early release is revoked. Alternatively, it’s a way of avoiding serving your sentence, but in that case, the same applies for violations of the conditions. Therefore, the three years of probation during which Severus could have married in order to remain free are declared null and void, because the Court of Probations assumes that the Chalice of Neith interpreted his marriage as an attempt to obstruct justice by faking fulfilment of the conditions of his probation.