Chapters 61-70

Like a Bridge

It was a bit of a squeeze inside the phone box, but Ron didn’t mind. Of course not, Lois mused, as they stepped into a busy corridor. After all he had managed to get not only a tight embrace out of this unusual elevator, but also a kiss. Lois grinned. Ron’s technique might not be very sophisticated, but his lips tasted like ripe forest fruits, fresh and tart.

Harry and Ginny were already waiting for them.

‘Oh, just look at you!’ Ginny exclaimed. ‘Almost like a witch!’ She glanced at her brother. ‘I hope Ron didn’t suggest the colour just to annoy Alina?’

Lois chuckled. ‘He might have. But no, in spite of this being an almost Gryffindor red, I picked the colour—because it looks nice with my hair and eyes. And I think I still miss a rather important implement in order to pass as a witch.’

‘I’d be happy to let you hold my wand,’ Ron offered at once.

Ginny groaned. Lois faked a blow at his head. ‘I just bet you are …’

Ron grinned unrepentantly. ‘But honest, Lois, I don’t even think it’s illegal for you to own a wand. It’s just a crime to sell it to you. And anyway, you know what they say…’

Lois arched an eyebrow at him. ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do?’

Ginny frowned. ‘I thought that was rather “When in Rome, stay the hell away from the enchanted fountains and the Vatican’”?’

Ron shook his head and caught Lois’ eyes. ‘What I really wanted to say was…well, blood is thicker than water and all that. You’re Alina’s mother. You’re part of our world now.’


The hall of the Registry Office in the Ministry of Magic was already packed when Harry, Ginny, Ron and Lois entered. Lois saw many witches and wizards she knew, both from Hogwarts and the Order. To start with, all the Weasleys were lined up in the front row. One of their own would be conducting the ceremony. Today marked Percy Weasley’s finest hour—and his first wedding as Registry Officer.

Ron had explained that office weddings weren’t very popular in the wizarding world. Most people wanted special magical rites. Apparently such rituals could enhance the magical powers of a couple and increase their fertility. Lois found those ideas quite intriguing. Given the situation of Hermione and Severus, however, she rather understood why they had opted for a quick Registry Office affair.

From the look of things, this wedding would be spectacular nevertheless. In front of the room a dozen reporters and photographers were milling about. And while there seemed to be many friends and acquaintances present, a number of dark-robed, ominous figures were lingering in the shadows at the back of the hall.

‘Hello, Hermione. You are really beautiful today!’ Lois embraced her friend tightly.

Hermione did indeed look lovely—if white as a sheet. The soft, moss-green velvet of a long dress shimmered underneath the hem and at the neckline of her customary black-and-green apprentice-robes, and a wide ribbon of the same colour and fabric kept her curly hair out of her face. Apart from that her jewellery was the only concession to the occasion.

Hermione was wearing emeralds.

‘Normally, witches don’t wear jewellery for their wedding ritual. But as this is really just a bureaucratic act today, I thought I might as well do the Muggle thing.’ Hermione shrugged uneasily.

‘Your grandmother would be very happy if she knew that you are wearing her jewels on your wedding day,’ Lois said. ‘And I love the symbolism.’

Hermione’s fingers flew up to touch the emerald beads of her necklace.

‘Yes,’ she agreed with a faint smile. ‘Emeralds for love and life.’


Lois’ former patient was dressed in his customary severe scowl and black robes. She suspected however that the scowl was linked with the presence of a plump witch introduced as Dolores Umbridge, Probations Officer, who stuck to the side of Percy Weasley like an obnoxious pink burr.

‘Thank you for the invitation.’ Lois smiled and offered her hand.

‘Lois. How good of you to come,’ Snape ground out, glowering at the hovering Umbridge.

‘Be easy on your voice, Severus. You’ll need it to say some very important words in a little while.’

For a second Snape glared at her as if he wanted to hex her. But then he surprised Lois. A hint of smile ghosted over his lips and he inclined his head, allowing his hair to fall forward so it would hide his softening expression.

‘Yes, indeed. I do,’ he replied—and this time his voice flowed smoothly, like silk.


The ceremony was short and to the point, and went without a hitch.

‘… marriage, says an old proverb,’ intoned Percy Weasley, ‘is like a bridge you have to rebuild every day—from both sides. I hope that the bridge you are building will last long years and that it will prove solid enough to carry your lives safely to the other side of whichever river you may want to cross.’

‘Err… Professor Snape? You may kiss Her… err… the bride.’

To everyone’s surprise, Severus Snape did just that.


If looks could kill, neither Hermione nor Severus would have survived the ceremony. The toad-like Probations Officer in her frilly tweed costume was definitely not amused.


Twelve witnesses were asked to step up to the table and undersign the certificate of marriage. Lois was a little shocked, but also incredibly pleased, when her name was called.

Severus’ bold scrawl was affixed next to Hermione’s two neat signatures of her maiden and her new married name, written in a strange rust-coloured ink.

Lois bent over the creamy expanse of parchment. With plain black ink she carefully wrote her name. Her signature was the twelfth, thus rendering the certificate legally valid.

‘Congratulations!’ Lois beamed at the newly-weds. ‘How does it feel to be husband and wife?’

Both of them merely stared at Lois in silence, looking rather shell-shocked.

8 Responses to Chapters 61-70

  1. Katie says:

    When I read: “When in Rome, stay the hell away from the enchanted fountains and the Vatican’”?’ I about died laughing (I’m Catholic so…. 😀 )

  2. Fluffette says:

    ‘I am not sure what it is that we are doing here, Hermione. But whatever it is—it is not just ‘for show’. Never doubt that whatever this is, it is real.’

    I think I just swooned…

  3. Sindie says:

    So far, I’m loving this! This story has been more enjoyable than any I’ve read in a long time!

    It looks like Ron has taken after Bill… with the long hair! Love it!

    I’m so happy that Severus accepted Hermione’s “Plan.” Yay! I kept thinking, “Oh, come on, Sev, she just wants you to be happy and to live life! Please!”

  4. Sara says:

    “When in Rome, stay the hell away from the enchanted fountains and the Vatican” I almost rolled of my chair laughing….. I’m loving your story so far… Started reading it on but I’m finishing it here… hope you are ok.


    P.S: I’m Portuguese, so I’m sorry for any mispeling or anything. x 😀 😛

    • JunoMagic says:

      I’m fine, thanks for asking. Just kind of busy and feeling kind of quiet … so not many entries in the blog at the moment.

      I’m happy to hear that you’re enjoying the story so far! 😀

  5. obsidianjg says:

    Hemione is brave. “did it not ever occur to you to simply…ask me?’” Ask Snape? I don’t think, he really understands his impression on Harry and his gang.

    But then he said, “Yes!” One hurdle down, more to come.

    That was quite a public wedding. Why do I not feel comfortable with the single daffodil lying where Luna and Alina found it? And what is with the bell? I guess, I have to read on to find out.

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