Chapters 181-190

Heavy Fields of Scentless Asphodel

They turned around again and stared at the arc once more. Just like in the Chamber of Death, the archway with the Gate between Life and Death stood on its own, unsupported by any walls.

The twilight-plains around them were cloaked in silence. No murmur of voices, no buzzing of bees, no trilling of birds, no whispering winds disturbed the quiet. The only sound was the noise of their own breathing. Heavy and fast, it betrayed their tension.

There was no path and no discernible landmarks, not even trees. The vegetation consisted solely of knee-high, drab herbs and grasses, interspersed with flowering plants that grew roughly up to their hips. No stars and no sun offered guidance in the ashen sky.

‘What kind of weed is that stuff?’ Harry asked and dragged Severus closer to one of the plants. It was about three feet high and shaped a bit like a sceptre. Its stem and leaves were slate-grey. But the blossoms—clusters of six tapering petals, elegant filaments and proud styles—were white. The flower looked vaguely familiar.

a flowering white asphodel before a bare brown background

The tug of the cloak around his shoulder made him realise that Severus was shaking his head. ‘How you passed your herbology OWL with “Exceeds Expectations”, I’ll never understand,’ Severus commented. ‘This,’ he paused, apparently unwilling to forego his penchant for dramatic effects even here, ‘is an asphodel, an Asphodelus Ramosus to be exact. And the rest of this…stuff…is mint, and a monocotyledonous green plant from the family of the Gramineae, more commonly known as “grass”.’

‘Ah.’ Harry leant closer to the flower. ‘Strange. It doesn’t have any scent at all.’ He turned back to Snape. ‘Right,’ Harry said. ‘So it’s an asphodel. Does that actually give us a clue as to where we are? I mean, apart from “beyond the Veil”? Or how we’re supposed to find Dumbledore?’

‘I take it you don’t remember any of your lessons in ancient magical history?’

‘I did have a D in history of magic in my OWLs,’ Harry offered helpfully.

‘Thankfully I did not,’ Severus said dryly. ‘I think we are in the area that the wizards of Ancient Greece called the “Meadows of Asphodel”—where the souls of the dead dwell before passing on to their final destiny. The other “stuff” on the ground supports this interpretation: Mint is a herb hallowed to Hades, the Greek God of the Underworld. It is supposed to be the metamorphosed form of the nymph Minthe, one of Hades’ lovers. Though modern scholars maintain that this story is only the mythical explanation of a botched Florimagus attempt.’

‘Yikes.’ Harry shifted uncomfortably. ‘So that means we’re exactly where souls would stay who’d want to remain close to the Veil, right? Like, souls still connected to their portraits and such.’

‘Yes, I think that is a fair assumption.’

‘Great.’ Harry looked around once more. ‘So, um…whereis everybody? Shouldn’t it be sort of busy around here, if that’s the case? You know, with lots of souls passing through and hanging around?’

Snape just sighed at his ignorance. ‘According to Homer only a libation of blood will allow a soul to regain form and the faculty of speech in the Asphodel Meadows. But how it is possible to call upon a specific soul is never mentioned. Even among wizards, this is thestuff of legends and not of learning.’

‘Libation of blood? You mean, like…a sacrifice?’

‘Yes, indeed, a sacrifice. “The Nekya”—the Book of the Dead—asks for the blood of a black ram and a barren heifer, as well as several other substances. Though if memory serves, an earlier author claimed that for a proper libation the blood of a virgin should be used.’

Harry sighed. His back and hand were beginning to hurt. He was instinctively ducking his head in order to remain underneath the protective cover of the Invisibility Cloak. ‘Okay, that’s a bit of a problem. No ram, heifer or virgin available. I guess we’ll just have to make do with what we have—’ He reached for Godric Gryffindor’s sword and pulled a few inches of the blade from the sheath. He awkwardly clasped it between his right thumb and their joined hands. Then he twisted around and sliced his left arm across the blade, just above the back of his hand.

‘Shite!’ Harry jerked back at the sharp sting of pain. The sword slipped from his grasp and slid back into the sheath.

‘Potter, what the hell do you think you’re doing?’ Severus snapped.

Harry raised his arm. Somehow he’d managed to create a ragged zigzag of a cut, which reminded him uncomfortably of the scar on his forehead. It was also not as shallow as he’d intended. The wound was bleeding profusely. ‘Providing that libation, of course.’

He used their joined hands to hold the cloak a little bit away from their bodies. Then Harry proceeded to shake his left wrist vigorously. Fat drops of blood flew from his arm and sprinkled the nearest asphodel, bright red on its white blossoms. He kept going for a while, until the mint plants and the grass below it, as well as the granite coloured ground were liberally adorned with splotches of red.

We need a guide, he thought desperately. We need someone to take us to Dumbledore…Please, let this work…We need a guide…When he couldn’t feel his fingers anymore, he stopped. Dizzy, he shook his head and staggered.

‘Damn,’ Severus cursed. ‘Don’t you dare and let go.’

‘Won’t,’ Harry murmured. ‘At least not quite yet. Can you heal that?’

A moment later he felt the tip of Severus’ wand on his wrist. Warmth flooded his hand and arm. Feeling returned to his fingers. ‘Cool, at least that wand’s still working,’ Harry breathed. ‘Thanks.’

Suddenly Severus jerked around.

‘What is it?’ Harry asked.

‘Don’t you hear that?’


‘The sound of wings—something is flying towards us, and it’s coming closer quickly.’

30 Responses to Chapters 181-190

  1. zauza says:

    All Hope Abandon, Ye Who Enter Here

    ‘“A fair request should be followed by the deed in silence”,’ Snape drawled. ‘Kindly shut up and follow me.’

    …i was actually holding my breath ! ehehe

    Interesting the detail with the key for the Gates, very clever. what?

  2. mw says:

    I’ve broken my rule – here is half your review for Dyrim:

    I also thought that about the blood – logical that Necromancy would be partly blood magic, and with Garth Nix in mind, I really don’t want to imagine what Severus’ blood might summon. Back to Garth Nix – he has that thing with the stars, and looking up to see if it’s your time etc)…so just so I get the divergence – are you substituting this field for the starts, or saying this is what is IN the stars? (like conceptually…are they still in ‘Death’ or are they well and truly beyond even that undead realm into wherever it is those who see the stars go??)

    In any case, I get the impression it’s more normal for people to go for walkabouts in death in Nix’s universe than yours – which suits your story…if they could just romp around assuming it wasn’t their ‘time’…there wouldn’t be that same feeling of danger/desperation to get back whole etc.

    The other half is still being held hostage. 😀

  3. mw says:

    I have 4 pages of MS Word reviews waiting for you!!

    LOL – usually I read longer…but I am feeling incredibly sleepy. Time for an afternoon nap I think.

  4. zauza says:

    Heavy Fields of Scentless Asphodel

    Can we assume Harry is a virgin?

    And i am wondering about how his blood might work to summon the souls. But in reality all they have is some ancient history sayings. With magic one never knows.

    • JunoMagic says:

      I don’t think Harry was a virgin anymore at this point. Uh…I really don’t remember.

      The thing with the blood is standard soul magic. Uh, maybe not completely “standard”, but…

      It’s been so long ago that I wrote all that that I simply don’t remember some of the details. *crazy*

  5. zauza says:


    Hedwig! I love her.

    Does this mean that by using his blood Harry summoned the souls who are connected to him?

    Or any soul can come? Can they come even if not summoned?



  6. zauza says:

    An Interesting Find

    Harry is teh biggest dunderhead there is. He really does not think.

    It makes us wonder if he actually had any brain inside his head!

    Interesting, half of the stone. There.

  7. mw says:

    “…and answers”

    Zauza tells me that you very, very, very much enjoy getting your reviews here – but since I have conscience issues about copy/pasting, I have reached a compromise.

    Short comment/question here – longer one at OWL. I suppose I could do it the other way, but *shrugs* going with this for now. Think of it as a reward/incentive to clean these chapters up! 🙂

    My question for this chapter: is Death sucking life from them? i can’t remember if you said anything about it in relation to Hermione’s little jaunt…so i’m asking (possibly again).

    • JunoMagic says:


      I do indeed enjoy getting comments here. Since I put so much work in all the illustrations and links hidden in this edition of the story…But of course I WILL put them up on OWL…as soon as I get them back from my 2nd.

      As for your question: yes, Death sucks life out of them. If they stay long enough, they’ll stay forever.

  8. mw says:

    A deal with death

    *iz waiting for promised dismemberment*

    Not yet? 😀

  9. zauza says:


    Awww, you are being generous. Dobby?

    This is almost scary…i really do not want to think about what you have waiting for us.

    Now, why am i not surprised about Albus and the stone? Probably because it was where Hedgwig took them…of course.

  10. mw says:

    At death’s door

    I think Death is NOT very sporting. How can you make a deal with someone and then not at least suffer them to walk through to have a CHANCE an accomplishing it?

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