Drabbles: Elves through the Ages

Two Discoveries

He was young and only half-elven, so at times he still slept like a human, with his eyes closed, his soul adrift.

But even then he knew he was dreaming.

He knew it was a dream when he felt the hand of Glorfindel’s niece reach for his clothes and pull at his laces. He was certain it was a dream when he felt her hand on parts that had known no one else’s touch for three decades. He was almost sure that it was a dream, when she closed her fingers around his length.

Her hand was hot and tight and his mind reeled.

A dream?
This could not be a dream!

He was helpless as a pressure slowly built up inside him, a power beyond thoughts and dreams, a fire that burned his body and his soul and suddenly – suddenly – exploded, exploded in a burst of inexplicable delight that left him weak and spent.

Elrohir opened his eyes and found himself strangely light-headed, but awake, with his hand curled around his softened member, his fingers wet and slick with a strange white substance.
He sat up in his bed, his heart racing. He stared at his hand and wondered why he felt so strange, at the same time exhausted and exhilarated.

What kind of dream had that been?

Confused and embarrassed he washed his hands and his body. He had to find his brother! Elladan would know what this meant! But when he opened the door, he found himself staring into a face that mirrored his own bewilderment and mortification.

“You, too?” he asked.

Elladan nodded wordlessly.

Glorfindel – whose keen ears had heard their nightly sighs – watched the two pubescent elves and suppressed a sigh and a smile.

He had better go to them now and explain their discovery.

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