Chapters 31-40


Muriel Mugwort had assumed that Hermione Granger’s request for an appointment was about her master. Either to talk about his health, or…about other things. But when she saw how stiffly the girl moved, the Healer realised that Hermione’s reason for the appointment was all her own.

‘Good afternoon, Miss Granger,’ she greeted the young woman, holding out her hand.

‘Thank you for making time to see me,’ Hermione replied.

‘That’s my job, dear.’

Unobtrusively, the Healer catalogued several clues about her patient’s condition.Very pale. Too thin. Dark circles under the eyes and the eyes themselves dull with lack of sleep. Stiff, careful movements, as if in considerable pain. No strength to the handshake. Skin cold, clammy. Hand trembling.The symptoms were quite clear. Nevertheless Mugwort was thorough in her examination, both with the mundane and the magical procedures.

Finally Muriel asked Hermione into her office, where the healer plucked a small blue phial from a shelf and counted twenty drops into a tablespoon.

‘Swallow quickly. It burns, but it will help.’

Hermione did as she was told, although her grimace showed just how awful the potion tasted.

‘And now a simple herbal tea.’ Mugwort went to another shelf. The small pot was labelled for its ingredients, a mixture of meadowsweet, nettle, rosemary and willow bark.

For herself she settled on a strong, plain Assam. She needed it. She’d seen too many cases like Miss Granger’s in recent years.

Quiet minutes ticked by on the clock-faces of an elaborate time-piece on the mantelshelf. Ten dials sporting different sizes and hands were a testament to the many duties of a Master Healer in the Spell Damage Ward.

‘You should have come sooner,’ Muriel remarked.

Hermione shrugged. Much easier, the healer noted. The potion had worked its magic. For now, the pain was gone.

‘Would that have changed anything?’ A hint of bitterness in her voice. Mugwort narrowed her eyes at the girl. That was to be expected—the long-term effects of the Cruciatus curse were never only physical.

‘No,’ Mugwort admitted. ‘But there are potions—like the one I just gave you—that alleviate the pain. Salves that help with the stiffness. Other potions to help you sleep. As I am certain you are aware of.’

‘I am. But all of those potions are very strong and highly addictive. They also interfere with my magic. And they mess with my mind.’

‘If you prefer the pain, why are you here now?’ Muriel raised an eyebrow at the girl.

Hermione sighed. ‘I hoped that it had passed. I was fine in summer, and it’s been more than a year now. I hoped it would be over.

‘But it’s not,’ she concluded bleakly. ‘Is there any kind of cure? Something I missed when I did my research?’

Now it was the healer’s turn to sigh. ‘I am very sorry,’ she said gently. ‘But no, there is no cure for the after-effects of the Cruciatus. The long-term consequences vary, of course. They depend on the strength of the wizard or witch who cast the curse, as well as on the magical powers of the victim, the length of time and the number of times the victim is subjected to the curse. Women usually withstand the curse better than men, but Muggle-borns have less resistance to magical attacks. Other factors involved are how quickly treatment is provided afterwards and how soon the victim uses magic again.’

Mugwort studied Hermione’s face. It was never easy to talk about the details of torture, but she needed to know the facts to provide the best treatment she could.

‘Who did this to you?’ Muriel asked, keeping her voice quiet and even.

The young woman balled her hands into fists so hard that the knuckles stood out whitely and in sharp relief. Her veins shimmered blue through skin that was so pale it was almost translucent.

‘Bellatrix Lestrange.’

Hermione’s gaze strayed to one of the clock faces. The inscription below it said ‘Longbottom’. The hands were titled ‘Alice’ and ‘Frank’. Frank’s hand pointed to ‘asleep’. Alice was ‘counting bubble gums’.

‘It wasn’t all that long, I think,’ Hermione went on. ‘It seemed an eternity to me, but from what Harry tells me it can’t have been much more than an hour.’ She put down the empty mug and rubbed her forehead with her fingertips. ‘I’m weak. I started talking almost at once. And if…someone else hadn’t corroborated my lies, she’d have had me tell the truth within moments. If I’d still been able to speak that is, which I really wasn’t.

’They took me to Bill Weasley’s house right afterwards. His wife took care of me. But there was no time to summon a healer, or to wait with…what we had to do.

‘I…recovered quickly, or so I thought at the time. I was back on my feet the next day, after all. But of course it was summer at the time.’

‘Cold and damp weather are common triggers for the after-effects of the Cruciatus,’ Mugwort observed.

Hermione grinned wryly. ‘So I noticed.’

‘Any other symptoms you haven’t told me about yet?’

The young woman sighed and nodded. ‘Not very often, luckily, but…I do get…cramps of a sort sometimes. Convulsions. As if…’

‘As if you were being tortured all over again?’

Hermione hid her face in her hands. ‘Yes.’ Even muffled the strain in her voice was clearly audible. ‘I told you I’m weak.’

‘No, you are not,’ Mugwort said briskly. ’You are merely having a harder time with the after-effects of a horrible curse than other witches might have. There’s nothing weak about that. Some of us get horrible migraines, others don’t. Some women suffer monthly cramps, others don’t.

‘You have to talk about this with your master. There are potions you will need that have to be brewed freshly and which require highly advanced skills along with steadier hands than you have right now.’

13 Responses to Chapters 31-40

  1. Katie says:

    “Carefully he laid their wands on the table and reached for her. Clasping her gently around the wrists, he pulled her hands towards him.” awww, bow-chicka-bow-bow

  2. Fluffette says:

    Prue Halleywell!! Will Phoebe, Paige and Piper turn up?

  3. Teresa says:

    Hello! Wonderful story – I first started reading it when you were in the process of writing; however, I never finished so I hope to do so now. Unfortunately the link to chapters 41-50 doesn’t work…I also cannot find a different path/link to those chapters (any kind of overview) so it would be great if you could take a look whenever you have time. Thank you 🙂

    • JunoMagic says:

      The link should work now. There was a character missing in the url of the next chapter.

      Unfortunately the chapter overview in the sidebar is broken, and I’ve been trying in vain to get the plugin creator to take a look at what’s wrong. *sigh*

  4. lanie says:

    Just a heads-up: the Magicarena link is no longer valid. Other than that, good story.


  5. Xexar says:

    First off, I love this story. The pacing is wonderful and your grasp of the characters is awesome, they are all recognizable from their canon but still have an original voice.

    I was just curious though, you haven’t had anyone remark on there being a Muggleborn in Slytherin; something that I had figured would be noteworthy. So, I was wondering if this had happened before or if her father was actually a wizard or perhaps there was a squib somewhere back in her family tree?

    I just had to tell you that you having the Slytherins play Settlers of Cataan was truly inspired…if ever there was a game that was made for them, that is the one! I swear I’ve played it with a few of them, promising one thing in trade and actually handing over something else (buggers).

    • JunoMagic says:

      Thank you for reading and for your kind comment! I’m glad you like the story so far. I remember well how much fun I had introducing the kids to Settlers in my story. 🙂

  6. obsidianjg says:

    I love how Hermione messes with Snape’s running of the Slytherin house. On top of having a muggle born not only as apprentice, but also as a student in his house, it must be trying for him. Hermione does not follow the time-treasured Slytherin rules. For the Slytherins that so far prided themselves mostly for purebloodedness (at least as far as the viewpoint in the books allowed), that must be something. I like it that the Slytherin’s show some redeeming qualities in this story.
    I really like how you bring the worlds closer together in proving that not all muggles are stupid even if they don’t have magical abilities.
    So, the cruciatus curse has some long term side-effects. Very realistic. No Reset button for the war-veterans and some interesting possibilities for h/c scenes 🙂 .

    • JunoMagic says:

      Slytherin: I think Slytherin must have some very nasty dark secrets (which will surface unexpectedly later on 😉 ), but they are not automatically Evil (or misunderstood saints, as some fans would have it …).

      Muggle vs. magic world: “Apprentice” was in every way an experiment, and I simply explored all facets of the story that seemed interesting to me at the time. I just let my imagination run wild. And the Muggle/wizard dynamics were just waaay too tempting. 🙂

      h/c: Guilty as charged. *grins* I like me some nice h/c, what can I say …

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