Chapters 201-210

A Blissful Happy Smile, Lightly Expended

Yes, Hermione thought. Umbridge had been that evil. That woman had wanted to kill. She had craved power. And she would hurt you simply because she could.

Hermione shuddered at the thought of the letters cut into the back of Harry’s hand. He might have gone a little over the top with those bright tattoos, but she could understand how he didn’t want to live with the message Umbridge’s quill had bequeathed to him for the rest of his life.

But what about those strange Necromancers? If Severus was right, if they were connected with the Church, what was their agenda, their side of the equation?

Hermione leant back in her chair. What do I know about the Church? she mused. Firmly, she shut up the voices in her mind that screamed ‘not enough, not enough’.

Originally, they wanted to kill all witches and wizards. It was a simple as that.

A thought hit her. If they couldn’t do that, what would they settle for? For taking out all half-breeds, only in reverse? To keep bad blood from spreading? Hermione shuddered. To keep magic from spreading. Wasn’t that what the treaties and the Statute of Secrecy had been all about? To contain magic. To keep magical people and magic segregated.

She stared at the big Arithmantic equals sign she’d drawn and redrawn while she was thinking. The third side of the equation.

That would be them. The Order. Harry. Severus. Dumbledore. Death.

And I, she whispered, feeling cold and scared.

In a daze, she drew the pensieve to her breast and raised her wand to her temple.

…how she’d kissed Severus, right after he’d come back, how his lips had been so cold, and how she’d cried when she’d felt his breath on her cheek, so haltingly, so soft, but—oh my God!—so alive…

…how she’d held him when they’d left Draco and Hannah—not just because it was such a recent memory, but because it felt so REAL to her, not beautiful, not important, not at all romantic, but—real—solid…

…taking his hand in the theatre during the ballet…

Her wand fell from her hand, a wooden tattoo on the table.

Now she only remembered that this had once been one of her best, one of her most vital and beautiful memories. The sounds, the sights, the touch of his hand—she was almost certain that there had been his hand involved somehow—all of that was gone.

What remained was an acute sense of loss and swirling silvery shades in the pensieve.


Severus Snape suppressed a sigh. It had been difficult to choose the memories for the potion the first time around. And though he didn’t regret gifting their pale shadows to Hermione, he still regretted their loss. Yes: he was that selfish.

He’d written down their content…and still, when he read his account of the memories he’d lost, he could only shake his head in a bemused fashion. These memories had been a part of him? Such an essential part that he’d chosen them as ingredients for this potion?

And yet, he knew they had been. He had written down how and why he had chosen which memories. He had described them in detail: their facts, but also the emotions they had caused within him.

But to read those accounts…it was almost like reading a story, or poetry—fanciful flights of imagination that seemed to have no or little connection with his real life. Still…there were other memories that supported what he’d written. That told him every word was true. How she…

Severus was aware that he was stalling. Choosing those first three memories had been hard. This time, making the choice was almost unbearable. Memories of Hermione. He shook his head. He hadn’t realised his head and heart held so many of them, or held them dear. Even the earliest ones, those that ought to have faded to grey on their own account by now. Only they hadn’t.

Of course he hadn’t noticed her as a man then—just as a teacher notices a bright and overly eager student. Later, of course, she’d been on his mind as one of the Golden Trio—someone he had to watch and protect.

And then there had been that moment when he’d noticed how she was turning into a woman. He smiled wryly. He might be a teacher, but he was a man first. He did notice when his girls turned into women—except for the odd wallflower or late bloomer. Most of the time, they went away in June as children and returned in September as women; some between their fifth and their sixth year, some between their sixth and their seventh year.

But with Hermione it had been a gradual process. Or maybe he’d simply paid more attention to her. Small wonder, since he’d been forced to keep an eye on Potter constantly. And if you were looking out for Harry at that time, this included looking out for and looking at Hermione.

It had started with Victor Krum, of course.

What was it that Minerva had said about Hermione and Krum? He frowned. And when had they spoken about that anyway? Something about being in love and loving—ah, yes: that Hermione had been in love with Krum, but smart enough not to love him. And that she loved Ron Weasley, but that she wasn’t in love with him.

Well, he remembered how she’d looked at Krum.

Though—that evening—there had been one moment, one short, breathless, meaningless moment—when she had smiled at him. She probably hadn’t intended it. Twirling, dancing, her smile had come floating by, not intended for him, a blissful happy smile, lightly expended upon her blind and breathless game—upon this blind and loveless man.

With another sigh and the strangest feeling of pain and bliss inextricably linked, Severus raised his wand to his temple.


« Chapters 191–200 oooOooo Chapters 211–220 »

20 Responses to Chapters 201-210

  1. BJ says:

    I’m enjoying your story all over again, this time with the added pictures and videos. I was just wondering why Severus didn’t go and try and “save” Draco after he died. Stop him from reaching the Nineth Gate as he did with Lily and Hermione. Since he was Draco’s godfather, I thought he might try to bring him back.

    I’ve also have been enjoying your Book of the Dead and look forward to the next update. 🙂

    • JunoMagic says:

      Severus tried to save Lily and he realised then that it was wrong to interfere with destiny. He COULD go and get Hermione, because she wasn’t dead-dead yet when he found her. For Draco it was sadly too late…

      Oh, my. I’m looking forward to the next installment of BoD, too. I just wish that offline life would stop kicking my a*** and let me get on with that. Unfortunately, this year is even worse for my writing than last year. *sigh*

      Anyway, thank you for reading and for taking the time to leave a comment!

  2. zauza says:

    So Long, Thanks to the Fish

    Previous review , i was meaning to ask if that sentence was correct! And then i forgot!

    And So Long it is! I like Draco and he was a fine man here! But his own arrogance took him.

    ebil author

    *glares at ebil author*

    *haz teh sadz*

    And one more to be helpful on the Other world!

    *glares agin at ebil author*

  3. zauza says:

    Times Have Changed—And May Change Again

    Yes, they have broken the treaties! And the Guys in Black have Necromancers…wizards! They use them.

    Hermione will not be safe. No one is safe!

    Sweet Merlin! They Are killing Muggle-borns and Half-Bloods to KEEP the worlds separate!
    To fulfill the treaties!

    They are making “justice”, not vengeance! Maniacs. Only maniacs kill children and innocents in the name of God!
    And…didn’t you tell me the Inquisition existed to prevent this kind of behaviour?

    Then…what is really going on ? Who is really behind all this?

    Ohhh, you are evil…but you’re smart!

  4. zauza says:

    Cry of a White Peacock

    You made me cry!

  5. zauza says:


    Poor Hannah.

    Poor Severus.

    “Albus’ death; Severus’ burden”

    See what you have done?


  6. zauza says:

    Angels and Other Creatures

    Are they all blind? Oh Hermione, you of all people should know better!
    Don’t underestimate Muggles specially the ones talking about the wrath of the Lord , Gates and veils!


  7. zauza says:

    Magic is Might’—Redux

    Dragon is back as a ghost? YAY

    At least he is there! All Malfoyish ! A beautiful , sneering ,silvery ghost!

    And Hannah…*grin*

    And magic is Power!

    I could use some!

  8. zauza says:

    The Second Question

    See, she really is far from her Muggle roots now.

    Like any other person in their world, she is underestimating muggles and their ability to destroy.
    Also it’s so interesting,that she is still trying to get both worlds(or at least her perception of those two worlds) together, not even, once more like with SPEW, considering the implications.
    And she doesn’t understand that she is only starting to touch the surface of the magical world and at the same time, she has long lost, all kind of real perception of what she calls the real world…and i found that very interesting also. Hermione is pretty lost.

  9. zauza says:

    Bright New World

    Yes, baby Malfoy!

    And i don’t think i could survive such an experience!

    “But still—sometimes it seemed the safer, softer, brighter world of the two.”

    If she was in the muggle world she would not be safe. Just unaware .

  10. zauza says:

    Arithmantic Procrastination

    Hmmm, prevent the magical world from breeding and you will soon exterminate them all.
    Whoever is doing this should have studied their History, it didn’t work before, why should it work now?

    Humans are fighters in the face of aggressive extermination. But passive extermination would have worked and i think that was the initial plan.

    Umbridge thought this was to exterminate everybody but Purebloods. Idiotic woman.

    But what happened to change everything? Umbridge?

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