Chapters 141-150

‘The Apprentice and the Necromancer’ by JunoMagic
Chapters 141–150

‘We Need a Strategy’

After three spells and three brilliant displays of magical illumination (amber, sapphire, and to Harry’s intense discomfiture, emerald green), a deathly hush fell over the Order meeting.

‘Merlin’s bollocks,’ Ron blurted out at last, staring at the naked arms of Hermione, Harry, and Severus.

‘Much as it pains me to admit this, Mr. Weasley,’ Snape said softly and quickly rolled down his sleeve until it covered the scars on the inside of his left forearm, ‘but your assessment sums up the situation quite nicely.’

‘Holy shit,’ Harry muttered and rubbed fiercely at his arm. ‘So I’m going to be a Squib?’

‘No,’ Ginny said. ‘It’s much worse.’ She drew a stack of parchments from her satchel and slammed them on the table. ‘I’ve been working with Rita Skeeter for the last six weeks.’

At Harry’s groan she shook her head impatiently. ‘Skeeter may be the nastiest bug to ever crawl over the surface of this planet, but even you have to admit that she smells a story ten miles against the wind.
‘Anyway, she put me on a project of my own. Nothing fancy. Just a nice little sob story to get me started. Only now I don’t think it’s little at all. And it’s anything but nice.’ Ginny looked haunted. ‘I’ve got three cases of Muggle-born witches who died giving birth since the Muggle-borns Protection Act was implemented. Seven still-births. And fifteen miscarriages recorded at St Mungo’s.’

‘Oh dear,’ Minerva whispered. ‘Oh dear…and I have no experience with such spells at all.’

Snape snorted. ‘Of course not. Leeching spells belong to the Dark Arts, along with Necromancy and similar delightful endeavours.’

‘If you have you something constructive to contribute, Severus, feel free.’

‘I suggest to research cases of magical depletion. Complete magical depletion is very rare. Does it always lead to death? Or do some victims survive as Squibs? The records of St Mungo’s date back to the 16th century. The Hôtel-Magie de Paris has archives that go back to the Roman occupation,’ Snape replied coolly. ‘Additionally we need to contact experts on Spell Damage in order to find out how quickly the spell is working, if and how the process can be affected.’

‘Can we cut the tattoos off?’ Hermione asked suddenly. ‘Like you did with—’ She gestured at Severus’ arm. ‘Would that stop the spell?’

Severus shook his head. ‘No. While it is not the same spell as the one for the Dark Mark, it is similar. Had I attempted to remove the Dark Mark while Voldemort was still alive, I would have died instantly.’ He looked at the white fabric that hid the scars the laser-treatment had left on his skin. ‘A terrible temptation,’ he added softly and lowered his head. His shoulder-length hair fell forward like a curtain, obscuring his expression. Hermione suspected from the tone of his voice that he had known someone who had given in to that temptation, and that Severus had envied that person for their easy escape.

‘We need to catch whoever is behind this. Either to make them break the spell or to discover how we can break it,’ Harry said. ‘And we need to get them now, before more people die.’ His eyes glowed with a hard light. ‘Is it only me, or do you suspect that someone at the Ministry is involved?’

‘Umbridge,’ Hermione suggested. ‘I bet she’s involved.’

‘Such a spell would certainly suit her agenda,’ Severus said softly. ‘Her hatred of Muggles, Muggle-borns and half-bloods is well documented.’

Harry glanced at the faded scars on his right hand. ‘She’s definitely evil enough to come up with something like that. So what do we do about it? Inform the Minister and bust her arse?’

Andromeda shook her head. ‘The Minister has to be informed, of course. But I don’t think we should move in on Umbridge right away. While we’d have the element of surprise on our side, this won’t help us if our assessment is correct that Umbridge is working with—or for—someone else…if she is involved at all.’

‘We need a strategy,’ Ron announced.

‘Could we simply grab her, pour a pint of Veritaserum down her throat, and find out what she knows?’ Ginny asked.

‘But that’s illegal!’ Hermione protested.

‘If we can save lives that way,’ Harry shouted, his eyes flashing with determination, ‘we’ll do it.’

Ron frowned, and Hermione was shaking her head, but it was Severus who interrupted, ‘Mr Weasley—my wife insists that you’re a superb strategist. Why don’t you dazzle us with your talents?’

Ron glared at Snape. But then he wrinkled his nose thoughtfully. ‘Sorry, Gin, Harry. But that’s not a good idea. Not because it’s illegal.’ He ducked his head at Hermione’s scowl and went on doggedly, ‘Look, when you come up with a strategy, you need to plan for the worst case scenario.

‘I mean, obviously the best case scenario is that we catch Umbridge, force-feed her Veritaserum, and she spills her guts, admits she dunnit and includes the appropriate counter-spell.

‘But what if she had nothing to do with it? Or if she’s on an antidote? Or if she’s using oh, say an Unbreakable Vow to make sure that her secrets stay secret? And if she is involved but works with accomplices, or if she is actually the accomplice of the real culprits—your idea might make matters much worse…Right now we have no idea how that spell works. It looks like it’s gradually draining your magic. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be adapted to drain and kill you instantly. If it’s Umbridge, she could have devised a trigger-word to cause that effect. You start questioning her, she starts answering, and the next thing you know, you’re dead. Or what if taking down Umbridge makes her accomplices disappear—along with the only counter-spell there is?’

Harry blinked at Ron. ‘Mate, I guess there’s a reason why you’re so much better at chess than I am.’

24 Responses to Chapters 141-150

  1. zauza says:

    “But Minerva McGonagall could outstare most Slytherins with her beady gaze.” LOLOL

    Harry sounds just like Sirius…he always did!

    And you even made me like Ron! Yeah…I like this Ron!

    I usually don’t ,in fact i think this is the first time i like the boy! lol

    So, Alina is not going!

    And Shacklebolt is under the Imperius Curse ( the idiot man should have known better)

    And Percy feels something wrong. ( and there you have another idiot that should know better and remember his DADA lessons). *ARGH!*

  2. Birkasouce says:

    So, I guess it does have to do something with that jarvey scent, doesn’t it?
    Kingsley looked as if he was under the Imperius, I hope I’m wrong.
    I totally don’t understand the clergymen, what the heck are they doing there?
    I’m looking forward to the next chapters, I am totally lost in my ideas about the whole mystery. I have my guesses, but I’m sure I’m wrong. 😀
    And poor Alina. I hope there will be a chapter where Snape won’t be so harsh with the poor girl. 🙂

    • JunoMagic says:

      Definitely follow your nose. 😉 Or maybe not. Since we know what happened to the Jarveys.

      Snape’s just worried. 🙁

      And evil forces use every opportunity they get …

  3. Endge Matykina says:

    Just wanted to say thank you for this absolutely brilliant and amazing story! I am a Snape-addict and this story has been my bread and sleep for two days now. I love everything about it, the plot, the angst, the romance, the humor, the writing! Canon characters are so true. I normally don’t like DH-compliant stories, but your’s picks up after this abysmall (IMHO) 7th book so effortlessly and plausibly! The plot is absolutely fantastic, I love how the Severus’s and Hermione’s life and intreaction is not the singular focus but is shown in the frame of the broader picture of the wizarding post-war life. Alina and Lois are so real. And I love that Harry and especially Ron are so mature and sensible, and are not there just to give a break to SS/HG line. And boy, your Snape is probably my One True Snape now! I hope you wouldn’t mind my suggestion of this story in Know It Alls archive.
    With kind regards,

  4. Xexar says:

    *sobs* I just love it when Ron is the sensitve one, perhaps one day that teaspoon will graduate to a tablespoon; must be the influence of Lois. And Harry seems to have a death wish at the moment or perhaps he’s just an adrenaline junkie and nothing this exciting has come across in such a long time he’s willing to go beyond the ninth gate.

    Still loving your story. And I must say if I didn’t already own the Abhorsen books I would been forced to get them after reading this story! Can’t wait to see what is in store for our heroes in the next installment. I was worried when we found out that Hermione wasn’t pregnant with all of the fatigue everyeone was feeling, so I felt a little prepared when we found out about all of the stillbirths and miscarriages…I was glad we didn’t have to go through that with poor Hermione, her life is tumultuous enough atm.

  5. Laura says:

    OMG LOL you totally did NOT just tie in Anita Blake with this too, did you???? 😀 haha a female necromancer in St. Louis, thats so her right??!

  6. cmwinters says:

    ‘Some kind of good-will event. About a series of popular Muggle books that feature a boy who grows up to be a wizard and a hero


    Except the Catholic Church declared Harry Potter to be heretical or witchcraft or whatever the hell they declared it was.

    I rather like our president myself. 😉 His predecessor not even a little bit! 😀

  7. obsidianjg says:

    I get a very bad feeling about that Jarvis and the musky scent of Umbridge and her secretary. Didn’t Colin spew deprecations like a jarvis in between useful hints?

    Alina seems to be safe for now…, but I’m not sure that they need her as a last resort.

    What is with Shacklebolt? I also have a bad feeling about him. Is he really himself still?

    Loved the dig at Steve Jobs, the American president, and Peter Jackson…

    I noticed that your minor characters have names from some of my favorite books. I love that.

  8. irononmaiden says:

    Hmm, is the Church behind this? Conspiring with Umbridge for reasons yet unknown? That thing about looking at the robes … and we all know black wizarding robes look ecclesiastical. Hermione even pointed it out to Snape before the concert.

    I’m still trying to figure out the role jarveys play in this necromancy business. The sweet smell from the garden and the way Colin was talking….

    It looks like Kingsley has been Imperiused.

    Very intriguing!

  9. Katie says:

    “A few, of course: Peter Jackson, Steve Jobs, the American president.”
    Also, I’m betting that Jarveys and fish will both be important to the continued plot of this drama.

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