Chapters 131-140

A Dangerous Gift

For a long time they sat in silence, watching the flames in the fireplace while the grey light of a November dusk faded into darkness outside. At last Hermione twisted around to look at Severus. She was grateful to see that he looked pensive and peaceful, rather than annoyed or upset. ‘I’m sorry, too,’ she said. ‘I should have had the courage to talk to you about that. I guess that I didn’t is probably a good indication that it’s not the right time to think about having a family yet.’

But she couldn’t help feeling disappointed. He shook his head slightly, an expression of wonderment softening his stern features. He also didn’t remove his hands from her midsection.

Severus exhaled deeply. ‘No,’ he said, while his hands gently rubbed her stomach. ‘Not yet. You’re very young, Hermione. You haven’t finished your apprenticeship. And I want you to go on and become a journeyman—or rather a journeywoman. You should get some working experience abroad. When you’re a Potions Mistress in your own right, there will be time enough for a family. If that is what you want.’

‘But that’s such a long time off!’ She couldn’t keep a certain belligerence out of her voice.

He chuckled, a rumbling sound that made her shiver involuntarily. ‘If you continue to excel the way you have, you may well be made a Potions Mistress as early as 2005. That would make you the youngest Potions Mistress since Perenelle Flamel’s daughter. It’s just a few years.’

‘Hmpf. I assume that means you’re not willing to compromise on that issue?’

He withdrew his hands. ‘No.’ There was a harsh edge to his voice. ‘There will be no compromises where your education is concerned beyond the ones you already face. You have to be aware of how people will view your apprenticeship with me, no matter what kind of safeguards are spelled into the conditions of your indenture.

‘You will become a journeywoman. You will serve the full term of two years away from Hogwarts. Although I would advise you to extend that period to a double term with two different masters, I will not insist on that. However, you will not burden yourself with a baby during that time. Once you are a Potions Mistress, we can resume this conversation.’

Bastard, Hermione thought and couldn’t help balling her fists in a spurt of anger. He decides what’s best for me. And I get no say in the matter. As if I’m a child and not his wife. Then: Of course he does have a point. Damn him. She chewed on her lower lip. One thing is sure, I won’t convince him that having a child is a good idea if I put up a childish sulk now. However, if he thinks that I’ll wait with this conversation until 2005, he’s sorely mistaken.

Aloud, she sighed and forced a smile. ‘I won’t pretend that I agree with you, or that I like your decision. But I guess I’ll have to accept it for the time being. Now. Didn’t you say you have something for me?’

She couldn’t help grinning when a deeply suspicious look formed on his face at her reasonable response. ‘Look, Severus,’ she added. ‘You’re right. I am young. And I’m madly truly deeply in love with you, so I tend to react emotionally rather than intellectually to…well, to certain situations that involve you. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not capable of comprehending valid arguments. Even if they are presented to me in an offensive manner. You know, if you really think I’m good enough to become the youngest Potions Mistress since 1375, you should give me some credit concerning my mental faculties.’

‘Hmm.’ He scowled at her. ‘Maybe.’

Her grin broadened to a smug smile. ‘So?’

‘If you let me get up, I’ll go and get your gift.’

She jumped up and watched as Severus moved to his desk. He picked up a sheaf of parchments. ‘These,’ he said, ‘are only copies, but I can assure you that they are valuable enough that Madam Pince would have asked for my firstborn child to ensure that they are treated with the proper respect and decorum.’

‘Are they…?’ Hermione trailed off, breathless, the previous conversation all but forgotten.

‘These are the Pacta Maleficarum Segregandarum, the secret treaties between the International Confederation of Wizards and the Holy Inquisition, as well as the adjunctive treaties between the ICW and the Church of England and some of the more powerful Protestant movements of the 17th century.’ Black eyes bored into her. ‘You may only read them here. And only while I am present in this room. You will not speak of what you read to anyone without my express permission. Is that clear?’

Hermione nodded, her heart thudding heavily in her breast. ‘Yes, sir. Absolutely. Of course. You can trust me.’

Suddenly an understanding smile curved his thin lips. ‘As for tonight…I think I can amuse myself for another hour or two with some of the seventh years’ essays.’


‘Hey, Alina.’

‘Hi, Crudass.’ Alina slumped down next to her friend and buried her face in her arms.

‘What’s wrong?’

She yawned into the warm darkness between her robes and the table. ‘Just tired. Like, really, really tired. Is it just me, or do we have to work much, much harder this term?’ Wearily she raised her head and rubbed at her eyes.

Crudass shrugged. ‘No idea. But I could sleep all day as well. Madam Pomfrey keeps chasing after me with Pepper-Up, Calming Draught, and vitamin supplements.’

‘I guess she’s just worried about you,’ Alina suggested. ‘Because…’

‘Yeah, because of my family, I know. It’s still annoying. Anyway. How about you? Any luck with your projects?’

Alina grimaced. ‘I still need to find three bells, and I have no clue where to start looking. And Latin insults? Get old real quick. Pun intended. I wish it was Christmas already.’

8 Responses to Chapters 131-140

  1. zauza says:

    “Binder. Someone who can banish and bind demons, zombies, and spectres easier than others.”

    Why am i not surprised that he is some kind of exorcist of the magical underworld?

    “My personal theory is that it is shaped by centuries of mythology and shared beliefs.”

    How do you do it? Really, how do things in your “worlds” make perfect sense?


  2. zauza says:

    “For a moment she felt a stinging stab of jealousy deep in her chest because she was not the first. Followed quickly by a pang of pain at the knowledge that—while she had not been the first he had ever loved—she was the first to truly love him.”

    That’s beautiful.

    “obviously Charmed Manolo Blahnik stilettos.” and that made me laugh, ehe

    Mona?? Don’t tell me! Did i miss something ? Da Vinci? *huh*

    And something Severus didn’t know! Did he at least know that “the art of painting wizarding portraits was actually a kind of Necromantic magic?”


  3. zauza says:

    I wonder where Alina will fit in all this!

    So sad, a portrait to fade away, because there is no one left to remember them!

    And what is happening with Hermione’s magic? hmmm

    What could mess with her magic like that? *hmm*

  4. zauza says:

    Now that really surprised me!

    Someone…we-know-who…is draining peoples magic through the tattoo?

    Muggle-borns and half-bloods will lose their magic?


    That’s even worse than what the Dark Lord did.

    But how did we-know-who manage to move around the Other World ?

    No, not alone, she is not alone, there is someone else doing all this with her.

    And the Veil…

    I must make another list…

  5. obsidianjg says:

    I knew these tattoos were bad news. So, someone is siphoning magic off the muggle-witches/wizards through the tattoos. Presumably so that person has more magic at his/her disposal. An evil trick and even worse plan. So, what to do against it? First they have to find out who is doing that. And Alina better find the rest of the bells soon. I think they will need every one of them.

  6. Dina says:

    Finally! I’ve been antsy since Madam Pomfrey mentioned the unusually high need for pepper-up, etc, confirming my theory. I really needed somebody to put two and two together. Whew!

    On another note, poor Alina when she discovers her head of house is proficient in Latin – the man creates his own spells among other things.

    And about those Jarveys — it was the resurrection stone Ron and Lois saw them playing with wasn’t it? and that’s why nine Jarveys were killed that one night? and there’s a connection between their propensity for chattering insults and the Colin inferius isn’t there?

  7. Katie says:

    Hah! I knew those tattoos were siphoning energy back when Harry was feeling tired more than ten chapters ago! Finally someone else knows!!!

    Also, I love your name for the library in the Middle East. I’ve always been devastated by the idea of all that knowledge being lost, and I love the idea that someone can still benefit from the books and scrolls at Alexandria!

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