Purple Dreams

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction, written because the author has an abiding love for the works of Joanne K. Rowling. Any characters, settings, objects, or creatures from the Harry Potter books and movies used in this work are the property of Joanne K. Rowling, and Warner Brothers. Original characters, settings and concepts belong to the author of this work. The author will not receive any money or other remuneration for presenting the work on this website. The work is the intellectual property of the author, is available on this website solely for the private enjoyment of readers, and may not be copied or redistributed by any means without the explicit written consent of the author.


Purple Dreams

Ginny and Luna are pregnant. Both with twins. Both hugely fat and suffering in the summer’s heat. But misery loves company. So the friends sit on a bench in front of Juniper Cottage at dusk, Harry wedged in between, watching fireflies.

“A behemoth,” Luna offers. “That’s how I feel.”

“And my legs!” Ginny stretches with a groan. “Waterlogged like a breeding kelpie.”

Harry flicks his wand: a nice stool for the weary feet of each woman.

“Merlin,” Ginny breathes, “how I crave orange juice.”

“Olives,” adds Luna dreamily, “stuffed with garlic. But only Lysander likes olives. Lorcan prefers chili chocolate.”

Harry frowns. Normally Ginny hates that “ghastly yellow goo”. He prefers not to think about olives with chocolate. But never mind. What the witches want, they get.

“Fredella likes purple.” Ginny pats the purple top spanning her big belly that clashes so fiercely with her hair. “I hope she gets Harry’s hair or grows out of it until she marries.”

“Thanks,” Harry says, “but I’d like to keep my hair, if you don’t mind.”

“Lorcan will look fabulous in purple for their wedding,” Luna promises.

Harry sits squeezed in between his growing family and smiles, his dearest dream come true.


A/N: Written for the LiveJournal community for : A drouble of exactly 200 words; she asked for “Harry and Luna (either paired or no)? Prompt: fireflies, purple, dream”

(Dedicated to Scoffy, with lots of love. *hugs*)

2 Responses to Purple Dreams

  1. C says:

    LOL, a Luna/H/Ginny threesome? An adorable read, thanks.

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