INPM #18: The Dragon & The Undying

icon with black dragon  The Dragon & The Undying

All night the flares go up; the Dragon sings
And beats upon the dark with furious wings;
And, stung to rage by his own darting fires,
Reaches with grappling coils from town to town;
He lusts to break the loveliness of spires,
And hurls their martyred music toppling down.
Yet, though the slain are homeless as the breeze,

Vocal are they, like storm-bewilder’d seas.
Their faces are the fair, unshrouded night,
And planets are their eyes, their ageless dreams.
Tenderly stooping earthward from their height,
They wander in the dusk with chanting streams,
And they are dawn-lit trees, with arms up-flung,
To hail the burning heavens they left unsung.

Siegfried Sassoon

Overview: (Inter-)National Poetry Month 2008 »

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7 Responses to INPM #18: The Dragon & The Undying

  1. Alice Montrose says:

    LoveloveloveLOVE! =^_^=

  2. Alice Montrose says:

    Oh yes, especially for a dragon-obsessed person like myself. . Never mind hidden meanings and interpretations – at first read, a dragon is a dragon. XD

    • admin says:

      There is no law that I’m aware of that you ALWAYS need to look at the hidden/underlying meanings. Sometimes, you may just enjoy the dragon. *sage nod*

  3. Alice Montrose says:

    When I received Ciruelo’s “Book of the Dragon”, I’ve spent hours looking at the lovely illustrations. (The image for that icon you’ve set to go with the poem is in there, too.) Here, have a scan:

    • admin says:

      OMG, how beautiful! *squees*

      Someday I really, really have to find the time to write a bit of Anne McCaffrey fanfic …

      • Alice Montrose says:

        This little beauty spans 2 pages, so I had to erase some scan marks. But it was a labour of love, and I think the result is worth it.

        If you write it, chances are I’ll read it. *g*

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