INPM #17: Brownie

dancing brown bears Brownie

In a corner of the bedroom is a great big curtain,
Someone lives behind it, but I don’t know who;
I think it is a Brownie, but I’m not quite certain.
(Nanny isn’t certain, too.)

I looked behind the curtain, but he went so quickly –
Brownies never wait to say, “How do you do?”
They wriggle off at once because they’re all so tickly
(Nanny says they’re tickly too.)

Alan Alexander Milne

Overview: (Inter-)National Poetry Month 2008 »

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2 Responses to INPM #17: Brownie

  1. amagiclantern says:

    I love Milne! His child-poems ring very true and aren’t patronising <3
    I’ve missed several of your poetry postings, must go and catch up now xx

    • admin says:

      I was so utterly thrilled that I found a poem about BROWNIES! I was almost certain that wouldn’t be possible! ROFL Of course, there’s still kirin, naga and xylo-fae ahead … :-S

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